More optimizations

Hi guys 🙂

Wow every time I felt down the community is there for me 🙂 and I never forget that guys! my rant was not for the community, just being sad for seeing my communication channels get squeezed without could do nothing … and the remaining, the email, is pretty slow for my purposes… I miss the days where I could spend hours searching and downloading papers, watching tutorials or vimeo/youtube simulation videos or experimental features, for my sad (and the progress of the world) I’ve seeing the evolve of the internet content toward videos/Hi-def and that is something out of my horizon, that is something awesome indeed, and a picture tell more than a thousand words, but well, inward and outward blockade makes makes things worse….
Anyway, enough of the sad mood, the wave of warm feelings I have get from all of you gives me new strengths and hopes 🙂

Recently I have solved a bug that allows me 2x speed improvements over previous implementations, I was iterating in an algorithm over faces and then over verts making unnecessary calculations… so I down it to over editverts only and get the speed boost 😉 !
There’s lot of things to be improved and although is much faster than before I’m still not satisfy yet, implementing the pbvh_updateUClay() if succeeded could help with the speed also.
A reduce brush could be implemented (in a similar way like decimate modifier) just need to be researched later and also the merging of near geometry (for merging tentacles fro example 😉 ) also the undo is yet to be implemented.
I just need to keep it simple at first in order to improve the base as much as I can before start adding layers of features.
I’m trying to commit my changes to my branch (and also make it visible to the sculpt code masters: Nicholas Bishop, Jason Wilkins, etc) but is very outdated and I need to start from a fresh code base … I’m using TortoiseSVN on windows, any advice?

Thanks to everyone and all the best Farsthary

12 responses to “More optimizations”

  1. Can’t wait to get my hands on this dude!


  2. Errrr… Advice?? (Sorry for the non-spanish guys, i’m going to talk in spanish)

    ¿Cual es el problema con tortoiseSVN?… ¿No sabes como hacer un merge con tortoiseSVN? ¿No será mejor probar un cliente de SVN bajo la consola de sistema? no me queda claro para nada lo que necesitas… 😦

    De cualquier forma, si tu ancho de banda lo permite, y si el problema es lo que imagino, puedes consultar la parte del “merge” del manual de TSVN que se encuentra en:

    Personalmente recomiendo partir con “merge” de 50 en 50 revisiones o de 100 en 100 revisiones, ya que si hace bastante tiempo que no tocas tu branch, seguramente tendrás que hacer mas de algún trabajo de ajuste, antes de proceder a subir tus cambios. Es tedioso pero al menos posible en una conexion de baja velocidad.

    Lo otro es que podría enviarte una copia del trunk (¿FTP te sirve?) comprimida en partes relativamente pequeñas para que puedas bajarlas de a poco. Si te sirve, creo que puedo darte una mano con eso.


  3. Hi! nice to see you’re in a better mood 🙂

    it would be nice if a dev could makes those changes for you, then you just had to commit the changes.


  4. You, sir, are awesome. Can’t wait to sink my teeth into this!


  5. Can’t you mail Teeth or JesterKing, I think they should be able to help you…


  6. Hi!
    Farsthary – here I have a good internet connection and sometimes (for me personally) it gives me weird problems: I can’t decide what to do first (except my work which is very close to 3d stuff now). My problem that I want try everything and everytime I goes to details (almost immediately) – that is my trait which is very hard to intercept.
    You really need to somebody help you with SVN synchronisation. We use it on work and sometimes it’s not working for me (Tortoise SVN too).


  7. Amazing news, twice faster is very good, also I like very much the features you’re keeping an eye on.


  8. You are a shining example of the talent that is out there in the open source realm providing some phenomenal results. I do sincerely hope that you get the change to (once completed) introduced into the main build of blender.

    I read your rant (I’d say it was more an astute observation) and kind of agree that there’s a slight sluggishness creeping in around Blender at times, maybe fatigue of pushing 2.55 & sintel, who knows.

    But again loving your work, don’t lose hope bud.



  9. Hi, Farsthary!

    I just wanted to warn you – be careful if you have also UPS with approximated sinusoidal output. I got my Hyper PSU burned because of this “little detail” and because that all Hyper’s PSU has Active Power Factor correction. I spent about three days before got to this theme.
    So it’s almost proved that PSUs with APFC can’t properly work with (mostly cheap) UPS with approximated sinus output.
    My PSU (HPU-4S435) worked three years with two (one UPS gone and I bought another) UPS blocks. And not so long time ago I got my PSU dead but thanks God – I quickly founded that it’s going to burn and turned off PC safely.
    So, be careful with this features!


  10. Read your mention of collision for merging of tentacles and such
    Thought I might throw this into the ring for you to think about
    Punching holes by collision, i don’t know if there is a way to check if a faces normals are facing inward by clipping but if so it might be one way of handling it


  11. Hello! I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the nice info you’ve got here on this post. I can be coming again to your weblog for more soon.


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